In this post, I'm going to talk about what life would be like if I was the president of the United States.
If I was presidednt of the United States of America, I would ban democracy, and make myself dictator of the USA. Then I would be in charge of the most powerful country in the world, FOREVER!
Then I would make a law that banned google from America. I would do this because I have a fear that they will take over America, which would mean I would no longer be dictator, which would make me sad:(
Next I would invade Canada and Mexico so I would be in control of all of North America! Then I would change our new county's name to Michaeland. I know that would make other countries mad at us, but I would bribe their leaders so they will ignore us.
After this, I would buy(take) every chocolate company in Michaeland, so I would own a lot of chocolate. I would then make it mandatory that chocolate be eaten at least once a day.
Then I would make purple our national colour, turtles our national animal, and chocolate our national food, and make You Belong With Me and or Grand Theft Autum/Where is Your BOy Tonight our national anthem.
I would also rig sport leagues so my favorite team would win every year.
Lastly, I would raise taxes so I would get more money, so I could buy anything (if I don't feel like taking it!)
Those are the all the things I would do on the first day of my new life as dictator of the USA.
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If I was presidednt of the United States of America, I would ban democracy, and make myself dictator of the USA. Then I would be in charge of the most powerful country in the world, FOREVER!
Then I would make a law that banned google from America. I would do this because I have a fear that they will take over America, which would mean I would no longer be dictator, which would make me sad:(
Next I would invade Canada and Mexico so I would be in control of all of North America! Then I would change our new county's name to Michaeland. I know that would make other countries mad at us, but I would bribe their leaders so they will ignore us.
After this, I would buy(take) every chocolate company in Michaeland, so I would own a lot of chocolate. I would then make it mandatory that chocolate be eaten at least once a day.
Then I would make purple our national colour, turtles our national animal, and chocolate our national food, and make You Belong With Me and or Grand Theft Autum/Where is Your BOy Tonight our national anthem.
I would also rig sport leagues so my favorite team would win every year.
Lastly, I would raise taxes so I would get more money, so I could buy anything (if I don't feel like taking it!)
Those are the all the things I would do on the first day of my new life as dictator of the USA.
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